If you cannot perform e-KYC, try updating your app to the latest version.


Account verification is currently only available for Malaysians.

There are a few ways to verify your account on the Setel app.


Through the Pay tab

Launch the Setel app and tap Pay.

_(base) Steps screen.png

Scroll down and tap Upgrade now.

_(base) Steps screen (1).png

Tap Verify now.

EKYC Verify.png

Tap Start.

EKYC Start.png


Through the Profile tab

Launch the Setel app and tap Profile.


 Tap Payment methods.

Payment methods.png

Tap Verify now.

EKYC Verify.png

Tap Start.

EKYC Start.png


Through the Wallet balance

Tap your wallet balance/Setel icon.

_(base) Steps screen (2).png

Tap Verify now.

Wallet balance 2.png

Tap Verify now.

EKYC Verify.png

Tap Start.

EKYC Start.png