If you cannot perform e-KYC, try updating your app to the latest version.


Account verification is currently only available for Malaysians and from 7:00 AM to 10.00 PM.

There are a few ways to verify your account on the Setel app.


Through the Pay tab

Launch the Setel app and tap Pay.

_(base) Steps screen.png

Scroll down and tap Upgrade now.

_(base) Steps screen (1).png

Tap Verify now.

EKYC Verify.png

Tap Start.

EKYC Start.png


Through the Profile tab

Launch the Setel app and tap Profile.


 Tap Upgrade your account.

_(base) Steps screen (1).png

Tap Verify now.

EKYC Verify.png

Tap Start.

EKYC Start.png


Through the Wallet balance

Tap your wallet balance/Setel icon.

_(base) Steps screen (2).png

Tap Verify now.

Wallet balance 2.png

Tap Verify now.

EKYC Verify.png

Tap Start.

EKYC Start.png